Ph: 07 862 7172

Our Vision and Values

Moemoeā/Vision Statement

I te puāwaitanga o te harakeke, he rito whakakī whāruarua

When the flax blossoms, its many offspring begin their journey

(courtesy of Joe Nicholl)

This whakataukī/proverb speaks of the passion and commitment of our kura/school to nurture and prepare our ākonga/students to achieve tino-rangatiratanga/live self-determined lives.

Click for Goldfields School Strategic Plan 2024-2025

Ngā Uara/Our values

  • Kotahitanga – Unity in everything we do
  • Kaitiakitanga – Protect and uphold the rights, needs and aspirations of our ākonga (learners)
  • Whanaungatanga – Develop and nurture relationships within our school and community
  • Manaakitanga – Support and enhance the Hauora (wellbeing) of our ākonga(learners)