Principal's Message
On behalf of Goldfields School, I would like to welcome you and your whānau to our community.
The Vision of our school is "He mahitahi - Working together".
We recognise student diversity, abilities, interests and ethnicities. We also aim to provide a wide-ranging programme that will meet all of their needs; academically, socially and physically.
Our Charter states that there is a passion and commitment of our kura/school to nurture and prepare our ākonga/learners to achieve tino-rangatiratanga and live self-determined lives.
Goldfields School is staffed by a fantastic group of talented, highly skilled teachers, therapists and support staff who are committed and enthusiastic about ensuring that the children are provided with the best environment for effective learning to take place. Raising student achievement in a fun and supportive environment is our core business.
This website will endeavour to keep you informed about what is happening at Goldfields School. We also want to be able to celebrate with you some of our many successes and experiences. We highly value the relationship between home and school; therefore should you have any further questions please feel free to contact the school in person, by phone or via email. Enjoy your visit to our website.
Nāku i roto i ngā mihi, nā
Cameron McKenzie
Tumuaki / Principal